Colorado SEC Whistleblower Attorneys
Any person who has information about violations of the federal securities laws may be entitled to receive substantial amounts of “Whistleblower” compensation from the SEC if their report leads to an enforcement proceeding that nets more than $1 million in financial payments from the company responsible for the violations. If you have any information about SEC violations, our Colorado SEC Whistleblower attorneys can help you file a Whistleblower report that may ultimately benefit you financially while helping protect the public against things like false corporate filings, stock manipulation, and Ponzi schemes.
Not every Whistleblower report is investigated by the SEC. That’s why it’s important to work with experienced Whistleblower attorneys, who can make sure your tip follows the SEC’s Whistleblower tip submission requirements and includes as much helpful information as possible so that the SEC will be more likely to start an investigation based on your tip. If the investigation results in a substantial financial settlement or penalty, you can receive 10% to 30% of what the SEC collects. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you submit your tip. Our experienced Whistleblower attorneys include a former SEC Enforcement Attorney and attorneys who have worked on Wall Street. We understand what the SEC is looking for and can help you increase your chances of securing a substantial reward.
Our SEC Whistleblower attorneys represent whistleblowers from Colorado, across the US, and even overseas. We will make sure your tip is submitted properly to the SEC in a way that complies with the SEC’s Whistleblower tip rules. Those rules were updated in 2020, defining “whistleblower” as an individual, not a company, who voluntarily provides original information to the SEC about a possible violation of federal securities laws, rules, or regulations. The SEC has a specific way that these tips must be submitted to qualify for its Whistleblower program; our experienced Colorado SEC Whistleblower lawyers understand these requirements, and we make sure our clients’ tips are submitted properly.
One other benefit of working with us: If you’re in a situation where you have information about securities law violations but wish to remain anonymous, working through one of our attorneys will allow you to stay that way – particularly helpful if your whistleblower tip relates to your employer.

Because Whistleblower awards are only paid out when the SEC collects more than $1 million as a result of the tip, many Whistleblower awards are substantial. It’s not unusual for a whistleblower award to be in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, and in one case, the SEC announced it paid a single whistleblower $279 million for the tip they submitted that led to a significant SEC enforcement action. That’s more than double the next-largest Whistleblower award of $114 million in 2020.
When asked to comment on the SEC’s record $279 million award, our SEC Whistleblower attorneys replied: “While we were not involved in this case, this SEC whistleblower award recognizes the strength of the SEC Whistleblower Program and the ability for SEC Whistleblowers to be handsomely rewarded for coming forward and reporting to the SEC.”
Experienced Colorado SEC Whistleblower Attorneys – Real Wall Street ExperienceOur experienced team of Colorado SEC Whistleblower lawyers includes professionals who have worked in positions that exposed them to federal securities laws, rules, and regulations. Our lawyers include a former SEC prosecutor, Wall Street defense attorneys, and lawyers who have worked as investor rights advocates. We also have a team of forensic financial investigators and accountants who work with our SEC Whistleblower attorneys to help our clients prepare and submit Whistleblower tips that are more likely to get the SEC’s attention, which can lead to an investigation and a Whistleblower award.
The SEC pays Whistleblower awards for original information about any federal securities law violation, including:
- Insider Trading
- Ponzi Schemes
- Investment and securities fraud
- Hedge fund fraud
- Investment Adviser Fraud
- Commodities and Futures Fraud
- Market Manipulation Or Pump And Dump Schemes
- Broker-dealer and Stockbroker Misconduct
- Accounting Fraud by Publicly Traded Companies
- Fraudulent and unregistered securities offerings
- EB-5 investment fraud
- Inadequate internal controls or Supervisory Systems
- Foreign bribery and other FCPA violations
- False or misleading statements about a company or investment; Violations of auditor independence rules
If you are in Colorado and work for a company you believe is violating federal securities laws, rules, or regulations or have been burned by what you believe is a fraudulent investment scheme, contact us today. Common violations include making false corporate filings, bribing foreign officials, misusing company funds, accounting fraud, stock manipulation, Ponzi schemes, and many others. The Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase have a strategic partnership, working together to help whistleblower clients. We will review your tip with you and help you determine the nature of the violation and how best to submit your tip to the SEC. We help clients based in Colorado, across the United States, and worldwide prepare and submit compelling Whistleblower tips to the SEC.
Scott L. Silver, Esq. authored an acclaimed outline of the SEC’s Whistleblower Program, which we can send you free upon request. David R. Chase, Esq. worked as an SEC Enforcement Attorney and understands how the SEC investigates Whistleblower tips. Both are driven to help clients maximize the help that our whistleblower clients can provide to the SEC, making it more likely their tips will be investigated and financial awards will result.
If you have information you believe could be a tip for the SEC’s Whistleblower Program, call us today at (800) 975-4345, or use our contact form to schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our experienced SEC Whistleblower Attorneys.