About Our SEC Whistleblowers Law Firm
Our SEC whistleblower attorneys can represent corporate insiders and others throughout the U.S. and abroad. We are ready to help you investigate and evaluate the details of your SEC whistleblower tip and represent you in the SEC whistleblower program. Contact us at (800) 975-4345 or through our online form for a free consultation with a SEC Whistleblower attorney.
Knowledgeable SEC Whistleblower Lawyers Ready To Represent YouScott L. Silver, Managing Partner of the Silver Law Group, vigorously advocates for SEC Whistleblowers. Scott has authored an acclaimed whistleblower program outline that is available free of charge upon request. His thorough knowledge of this complex area of the law has led to speaking engagements nationwide, including at law schools, community events, and lawyer conferences.
Scott is a passionate investor advocate and a nationally-recognized securities attorney. Since 2012, Scott has chaired the securities and financial fraud group of the American Association of Justice.
David Chase, Managing Partner of the Law Firm of David R. Chase, PA, uses his past experience as a SEC Enforcement Attorney to aggressively advocate for his SEC whistleblower clients.
David’s recognition in the securities field has led to his appointment as a Receiver in various SEC and FTC enforcement cases, which offers him another way to protect the interests of investors. David also proudly serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami School of Law, where he teaches a course on SEC Enforcement. He has also served as Chairman of the Securities Litigation Committee for the Dade County Bar Association and as the Co-Chair of the Securities Enforcement Subcommittee for the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association.

Our attorneys regularly speak at leading industry conferences, lecture at law schools around the country and present at top legal summits. Frequently entertaining with stories of large Ponzi schemes and other investment frauds, our talks are always informative and educates others about the SEC whistleblower program. We welcome the opportunity to speak about the SEC Whistleblower program at your conference or event
Top SEC Whistleblower AttorneysScott Silver and David Chase are both AV rated by Martindale Hubble and have been recognized as top securities lawyers by multiple organizations including Legal Elite, Superlawyers, America’s top litigators. As close friends and colleagues, Scott and David formed a strategic alliance to represent SEC whistleblower’s on a contingency fee basis with a team of lawyers, forensic accountants, investigators and others who work together as a team to help present the best possible case to the SEC
SEC Whistleblower Lawyers Protecting Your InterestsA whistleblower is an individual who alone or jointly provides information to the SEC about possible past, present, or future violations of federal securities laws. Under SEC rules, whistleblowers must make their claims using an SEC Form TCR. People who provide important information to the SEC that allows it to prosecute violators of federal securities laws are eligible for rewards and protected from retaliation by their employers. If you are considering whether to report a securities violation, you should seek counsel from a knowledgeable attorney to make sure that your interests are protected. At the Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase, PA, our SEC whistleblower attorneys represent people who want to report a violation to the SEC and seek a financial bounty.
Understanding How The Whistleblower Program WorksThe whistleblower program is set forth in Section 922 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Prior to Dodd-Frank, the SEC had complete discretion over the award, which was governed by Sarbanes Oxley and only given in insider trading cases. Under Section 922, if an SEC judicial or administrative action results in sanctions of more than $1 million, the SEC must pay an award to a whistleblower who voluntarily gave original, high-quality information to the Commission that led to the action's success. The award is an aggregate amount of between 10% and 30% of the monetary sanctions imposed.
The "original" information requirement is important because it means that you have provided eligible information to the SEC or another authority before being asked, and the information is not known to the SEC or another organization. Some whistleblowers start by reporting a securities violation internally. To be certain that you are eligible for an award, you should report to the SEC within 120 days of providing an internal report. Appellate courts are split regarding whether protection against retaliation should be provided to those who only make an internal report.
For many employees-turned-whistleblowers, retaliation from an employer is a substantial concern. Under Dodd-Frank section 21F(h)(1)(A), your employer is not permitted to take any adverse action against you for any lawful activity in giving information to the SEC, helping with an SEC investigation or action, or making disclosures protected under the securities laws. You have the right to sue your employer for a violation of this anti-retaliation rule. If you are successful in your lawsuit, you may be reinstated in your job, as well as recover double back pay, costs, and fees.