Arkansas SEC Whistleblower Attorneys

With unrivaled collaborative experience, the Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase are dedicated to representing individuals like yourself and contributing to the public interest by helping provide tips to the SEC Office of the Whistleblower. Our SEC whistleblower attorneys have a reach that extends across Arkansas, the nation, and even abroad, and we possess the specific expertise needed to help you effectively seek a significant financial award. If you have information concerning federal securities violations, such as market manipulation, Ponzi schemes, stockbroker misconduct, or non-compliant reporting systems, our team of attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure your tip is investigated while increasing your chances of receiving the highest possible award.

As the SEC continues to pursue lawbreakers, the incentives for whistleblowers are reaching new heights. From 2020 to 2023, records were broken repeatedly, with awards totaling $114 million and $279 million, respectively. Since the SEC Whistleblower Program began, the Commission has reported over $6 billion in recoveries, with $2 billion awarded to whistleblowers who provided original information leading to enforcement actions.Arkansas SEC Whistleblower Attorneys

Awarding Arkansas Whistleblowers

Strict adherence to specific rules is essential for reward eligibility. These include the following requirements:

Originality: The SEC only accepts whistleblower tips that are genuine and first-hand. While reporting internally within your company is not mandatory, doing so may enhance your chances of receiving a higher award.

Timeliness: Your information must reach the SEC before enforcement action is initiated and, in most cases, before an initial investigation commences. Voluntary submission before being compelled by a court order is crucial.

Significance: The impact of your tip on SEC violations determines the award's magnitude. The more substantial the information provided, the greater the potential reward.

Our team of Arkansas SEC whistleblower attorneys is dedicated to assisting SEC whistleblowers in Arkansas with significant and original information related to securities violations. We closely collaborate with you to help ensure the SEC takes appropriate action and provides fair compensation.

Experienced Arkansas SEC Whistleblower Attorneys

As noted, there are strict rules associated with award eligibility. Unfortunately, the SEC does not investigate most of the whistleblower tips they receive, making it essential that you have the Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase behind you to maximize your chances at compensation. If the information you provide leads to successful enforcement of more than $1 million, you can be awarded anywhere from 10% to 30%. Our team of experienced whistleblower attorneys will protect your anonymity and boost your chances of getting an award.

2023 marked the most considerable success for the SEC's Whistleblower program, with awards totaling $600 million. The largest bounty in the program's history was $279 million awarded to one whistleblower. The Commission is aware of the program's success and continues to fight to protect whistleblowers' rights and ability to submit tips.

Deciding to become an SEC whistleblower in Little Rock, Fort Smith, Fayetteville, or elsewhere in the state may come with substantial rewards but also introduces significant challenges. The threat of employer retaliation can cause issues, and unfortunately, despite your efforts and dedication, there's no guarantee that the Commission will investigate your tip.

Our attorneys have many years of experience representing whistleblowers in Arkansas regarding violations including, but not limited to:

  • Commodities and futures fraud
  • Internal reporting non-compliance
  • Commodities fraud
  • Futures fraud
  • EB-5 investment fraud
  • Hedge fund fraud
  • Investment adviser fraud
  • Offerings of fraudulent or unregistered securities

The strategic alliance between the Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase leverages our extensive combined experience and knowledge of SEC regulations to ensure your tip is investigated and you are justly compensated. With a team of attorneys, including a former SEC enforcement lawyer, we understand the complexities of the SEC Whistleblower Program. With the high stakes involved, our goal is for you to feel confident when submitting a tip to the SEC.

Contact Our Arkansas SEC Whistleblower Attorneys

If you believe you possess relevant knowledge regarding federal securities violations, contact us. Our firm is experienced in the SEC's investigation criteria and will create the most robust strategies to optimize your potential financial compensation. Schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our top SEC whistleblower attorneys to discuss your case and become an Arkansas SEC whistleblower. Contact Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase today via email or by calling (800) 975-4345.