Minnesota SEC Whistleblower Attorneys

The SEC’s “Whistleblower” program rewards individuals who have information about securities law violations, provided the tip is submitted through the SEC’s “tips, complaints, and referrals” system, and it leads to an enforcement proceeding that nets at least $1 million in sanctions from the responsible company. Our Minnesota SEC Whistleblower attorneys can help you prepare and file your tip. They will ensure it is filed properly so that you are eligible for a whistleblower award if the SEC acts on the tip and recovers more than $1 million from the offender. Your tip can both benefit you financially, and help protect the public against a wide range of securities law violations.

The SEC doesn’t have the resources to investigate every Whistleblower tip it receives; in fact, it acts on only a small percentage of the tips it receives. By working with one of our experienced Minnesota Whistleblower attorneys, you will increase your chances of having your tip investigated by the SEC, and investigation is the first and most critical step to receiving a Whistleblower award. We’ll make sure your tip includes as much useful detail as possible about the violation you’re reporting to highlight for the SEC why it should act on your tip. We’ll also take care of properly filing it with the SEC’s reporting system.

If the SEC investigates your tip, and that investigation leads to an enforcement action and a penalty of more than $1 million, you may receive a Whistleblower award of between 10% and 30% of what the SEC collects. Contact us today to learn more. We’ll schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your tip and how we can help prepare and submit it to the SEC.

Our experienced Whistleblower attorneys understand what the SEC looks for when it reviews Whistleblower tips. They include a former SEC enforcement lawyer and attorneys with experience litigating securities law issues for Wall Street clients. We use that experience to help our Whistleblower clients in Minnesota, across the US, and around the world have the best chance of receiving a substantial whistleblower award.

The SEC’s Whistleblower rules, updated in 2020, define the term “whistleblower” as an individual person – not a company – who voluntarily provides information to the SEC about a potential violation of federal securities laws, rules, or regulations. The SEC has an online system for handling these tips, and they must be submitted in a particular way to qualify for potential Whistleblower payments. Our experienced Minnesota SEC Whistleblower lawyers are familiar with the SEC’s requirements, and we make sure that the tips we submit for our clients are submitted correctly.

It’s also possible to submit your tip anonymously – if you work with one of our experienced SEC Whistleblower attorneys. Working through an attorney is the only way to remain anonymous and still be eligible for a Whistleblower award. This can be extremely helpful in cases where the tip relates to the company that the whistleblower works for.

Top Minnesota SEC Whistleblower Law Firm

Whistleblower awards can be quite large, partly because they are only paid out if the SEC collects at least $1 million in penalties due to the tip. Awards are regularly in the millions of dollars, and in one case, a single person was awarded $279 million, more than double the next-largest award of $114 million in 2020. Because Whistleblower awards are only paid out when the SEC collects more than $1 million due to the tip, many Whistleblower awards are substantial. It’s not unusual for a Whistleblower award to be in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

Our SEC Whistleblower attorneys had this to say about the SEC’s record award: “While we were not involved in this case, this SEC whistleblower award recognizes the strength of the SEC Whistleblower Program, and the ability for SEC Whistleblowers to be handsomely rewarded for coming forward and reporting to the SEC.”

Experienced Minnesota SEC Whistleblower Attorneys – Real Wall Street Experience

The lawyers who make up our Minnesota SEC Whistleblower team include former SEC prosecutors, Wall Street defense attorneys, and lawyers who have worked as investor rights advocates. These attorneys spent years working in positions that helped them gain a deep understanding of federal securities laws, rules, and regulations. Adding to that legal experience is our team of forensic financial investigators and accountants whose expertise we can draw on when preparing our clients’ Whistleblower tips. Our goal is to make our clients’ tips detailed and compelling so that the SEC acts on them, which is the first step to any Whistleblower award.

Among the types of securities law violations that can result in a Whistleblower award from the SEC are the following:

Contact our Minnesota SEC Whistleblower Attorneys

If you have information about a possible securities law violation and aren’t sure what to do, contact us today to discuss it confidentially with one of our experienced Minnesota SEC Whistleblower attorneys. Whether you’re the victim of an illegal trading scheme or you believe your employer is filing false financial statements, we are here to help.

The Law Firm of David R. Chase and the Silver Law Group have created a powerful strategic partnership; we work with each other to help whistleblower clients from Minnesota, from across the US, and from around the world. Our experienced attorneys can discuss your potential tip with you and will use our experience to determine the type of securities law violation and the most compelling way to bring that to the attention of the SEC.

David R. Chase, Esq. is a former SEC Enforcement Attorney and has a deep understanding of the way the SEC selects and investigates Whistleblower tips. Scott L. Silver, Esq. is the author of a well-known outline of the SEC’s Whistleblower Program, which we provide at no cost on request. Our two law firms are focused on ensuring clients get the most from the skills and talents of our Whistleblower attorneys. The goal is to give each Whistleblower client the best chance of having their tip investigated by the SEC so that they have the best chance of receiving a Whistleblower award.

If you have what you believe may be a Whistleblower tip, contact us today to discuss it confidentially with one of our experienced Whistleblower attorneys. You can reach us at (800) 975-4345, or by using our contact form to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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